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Air Conditioning Installation

Stop worrying about your air conditioner! All HVAC units are bound to conk out at some point. Plus, even if your old or damaged unit is still up and running, you’ll benefit from upgrading it today. We say this with confidence because Wischmeyer’s Plumbing Plus provides top-of-the-line air conditioning systems that will boost indoor comfort instantly. But first, we’ll gladly tell you about your available options to ensure you end up with the best AC unit. Every air conditioner in our inventory is able to create and maintain a comfortable indoor environment during Rochester summers. With any one of them, there’ll be no need to dread the hot and humid months any longer. After working with us, you’ll be in total control of your property’s temperature.

Benefits of a Brand-New Air Conditioning Installation in Rochester

Like most homeowners and business managers, you’re probably struggling to decide if you should invest in a newer AC system. Sure, the initial cost may seem high. But don’t forget that it makes more sense to pour money into a system with greater durability and efficiency. A system that’s plagued by years of general wear and tear will constantly need repairs and major tune-ups. With that said, these pros will help you to decide:


  • Better Performance
    Your new cooling unit will be in tip-top condition. This means it can handle the demanding job of regulating the indoor climate better. Each room will receive a sufficient flow of cool, pleasant air each time you turn it on. What’s more, the unit will cause fewer disturbances because it will run smoothly and quietly for several years.

  • Favorable Energy Bills
    Are you paying for energy bills that are higher than usual? Your new cooling unit will go a long way toward saving you some money. This is the case because today’s AC systems are designed to use energy more efficiently. They have what it takes to cool down your home or business in no time.

  • Few to No Problems
    Instead of being frustrated, you’ll be completely satisfied because your new cooling unit will make your life noticeably easier. Whether you’re attempting to create the ideal conditions for sleeping or for working, you’ll have little to no difficulty.

  • Improved Indoor Air Quality
    Unlike your existing AC system, your new cooling unit will be free of dust and debris. Whenever you turn it on, you’ll feel a palpable difference in air quality. it will circulate cleaner and cooler air throughout your home or business in Rochester.

Air Conditioning Installation - Wischmeyer's Plumbing Plus - Rochester, NY

No Hassles or Unnecessary Delays with Wischmeyer’s Plumbing Plus

Do you think your budget isn’t big enough to afford the first-rate products that we provide? You’re wrong! At Wischmeyer’s Plumbing Plus, we’re in the business of being fair and practical. That’s why we don’t just keep our rates down –  we also give accurate estimates. This means you can look forward to getting top-notch quality from us without even coming close to breaking the bank. We take much pleasure in being your go-to HVAC specialists. In our effort to establish a long-term relationship with you, we’ll make you a priority on every occasion. Our technicians will stop at nothing to earn your complete trust.


We’re licensed to tackle large and small AC-related projects and seasoned at doing high-quality installations. Simply put, we’re determined to meet your high expectations. We provide only the best AC equipment and brands with only the best customer service in Rochester. Call us today and find out what wonders a new cooling unit from Wischmeyer’s Plumbing Plus can do for you.

Air Conditioner
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